Thursday, February 14, 2008

Marty Drum = stupid freakin idiot

First let me start by saying every year especially this one refs have screwed over UE hockey. 2 years ago Championship game for example. We were tied with Vestal. They brought it down the ice and managed to score with 0.0 seconds left. Now i know matt asher can figure this out but for those not so math inclined, that means theres no time left and the game is over. Yet these reffs still managed to count the goal and lose the game for us and force us into game 2 (its double elimanation and we lost the next game)
This year was particularly bad. We got called for the most ridiculously outrageous things. Tonights game was sadly the last game our seniors will be playing in. (Tim Sagasti, Mark Roberts, Davis Stella, Trevor Buckounhslkdfjgnski, John Fifield, Anothony Cipoletti, and kinda Ryan Meyer)We lost to M-E 5-2. NOw that may sound bad but it is not really due to one empty netter, and 17 undeserved penalties. (and 2 deserving ones) We were down at least one man for nearly the entire first and second period. Yet we still beat them in shots. We are easily better than them with even numbers.
If we hadnt had all the ridiculous penalties it would have been a much more fair game and we would/should have stomped all over them then blown our noses all over the mass of incompetence that was left.
In conclusion, Marty Drum, you're a _____*. Enjoy reffing mite hockey next year.

*add word of your choice here


StalePhish said...

I agree. Nuff said. I think we covered it all between the two of us.

lizayouloveit said...

Tim I'm sorry you guys lost your game but I'd have to agree that the refs are complete idiots seeing as I attended those championship games and witnessed those atrocities. I can only hope someone catches him before he makes one bad call too many...

Derick said...

Thats a wicked good post, and that sucks big ol' monkey balls for hoe shitty of a ref he is, and that he practically ruined your last game of Tiger Hockey. So if u want ill buy the eggs and you can pay the gas. If u get the idea

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