Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Robin Hood

i think Robin Hood was a filthy liar, and a no-good, common thief. Sure he was trying to "help" the poor and whatnot but he was stealing from other people. He clearly had very selective morals. He used his lack-of-conscience to manipulate his morality thus enabling him to boost his reputation and wealth. Some proof of this theory is merely the fact that he was ignorant. If he had actually thought about it he could have just called on America, land of the free and home of the brave. Now one might argue, "well Tim, America land of the free and home of the brave, didnt exist back then because it takes place in the range of 1100-1300 A.D." "Ah HAH!!" Tim would so wittingly retort, "America land of the free and home of the brave, may not have existed, but the concept did!" (The country actually did too but only the Godhumans that descended into Jon Friend were there to know about it)
America has a habit of helping those who are in need. Just look at our wellfare system and unemployment opportunities. This is basically a legal version of what Robin Hood did. By taxing the rich more and giving it to people who are lazy or get screwed over, it is essentially the same.
He wanted everyone to be equal so badly that he was the very first Marxist. If he hadn't been for the noble Prioress and her lover Sir Roger of Doncaster, England could very well have become the first communisist state, which would spread and infect Wales, Ireland and shortly after that, the mainland with the red disease. I am sure that ancestors of the Prioress and Sir Roger are now living in America land of the free and home of the brave today, and doing great things.


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