Monday, March 3, 2008

high school

For this last blog, i am going to use a metaphor contributed by Trever Smith. High School is like a zoo. There are a plethora of crazy animals running around. Its chaos. The freshmen for example are like rats. They eat the upper classmen's scraps, scatter when there are any threats, no one likes them and they smell funny. (This was NEVER the case with class of '08 by the way) Cheerleaders are those birds that wake you up every god damn morning and even if you through a brick at them they don't stop. (exceptions include funky fresh, Richelle, and anyone else that would injure me-im very fragile) A plethora of teachers are like vampire bats because they suck fun and time out of you. They also fly around using ecolocation to detect phones/ipods/any source of amusment. The Kriegmeister is not included in this category. She is more of a clownfish. She can be Marlin's wife/ Nemo's mommy. Clowns are funny and provide amusment. However you have to pay them. Mrs Krieger, instead of taking currency, she generously accepts visa, master card and well written papers. She also knows how to make someones day.

But anyway, another exhibit in the zoo of UEHS: Kris


Ellis Island said...

Haha! Tim I love your videos and your posts! Especially this one. It's so true. Nice job :]

lizayouloveit said...

Hahahaha Tim, I love this post. =] I never thought of high school that way before but you're totally right with each analogy.

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