Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tim in the Wild Vol IV

Tim is back with another epic quest to search the most aggressive one yet- Charles Hamilton. This was a hard one to capture due to it's overwhelming need to lash out against the passive and harmless (not to mention stunning) cameraman.




Brian M. Shaver said...

Lol. Genius. I want to make an observation, that's not being racist at all! im just pointing out something that i noticed. I noticed that your most recent subject, was not only the single most aggressive, but he was the only black one to be recorded yet? Could there possibly be a connection between the skin color and the level of aggression i think so. AND THAT WASNT BEING RACIST IT WAS AN OBSERVATION SO HOP OFF THE S.

-Brian Shaver
(America Love it or Leave it)

Travis said...

Shaver that is probably the most raceist comment i've ever heard..... However i would like to say the elusive t-blazer was visously attacked at the end of that last video due to the camera man provoking the creature... not cool man

Ramos said...

lol travis, you're the one to call him a creature, so maybe you're the racist.

Derick said...

BLANK MAN GONE WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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